Friday, July 9, 2010

Update from the Nieuw Amsterdam

Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been super busy. I am still on the ship. We have been to Croatia, Greece, and Italy. I will be uploading some pictures in the next day or two. Holland America keeps extending my contract. As of now they want me to stay until the 26th, but there may not be any extra rooms so may be coming home the 14th, the 24th, the 26th, or sometime in August. The sea's have been really rough. I hope you are all doing well. I am spending as much time as I can in the Broadcast center. They are training me on all the equipment so I can come back on as a Broadcast Tech or assistant broadcast tech. It is exciting to be sailing and seeing a new port every day or every couple days. We have been working LONG and CRAZY hours but I am loving every minute of it. I am trying to manage my time well. The stage manager wants me to help out full time in the Theater but one of the heads of entertainment for Holland America wants me to spend as much time as I can in Broadcast so it is a balancing act. I love your comments, Thank you. It is 12:30 here and I am tired and going to call it a night. Thank you all for your support, prayers, and helping keep me going.

Daniel Warren.

PS. I will have quite a few pictures up as soon as I can.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another Exciting Update

Hi Everyone,
Sorry it has been a while since I have updated. I am doing well. I am a little tired but well. I talked to my manager yesterday about trying to get plugged in helping the Dee, the Broadcast Technician, help with the video stuff and he said he would talk to Dee. I will start helping Dee tomorrow. I have attached a couple more pictures of the ship for you. I have to head to work. They have me working the evening shift which is about 1:00 in the afternoon till about 1 or 2 in the morning. I am loving being here. I can't believe that I am getting paid to do this. It still doesn't seem real. I am a little over half way through now. Thank you all for supporting me. I will add more pictures later.

Daniel Warren

Monday, June 7, 2010

Another Gorgeous Day In Italy

Hi Everyone,
I hope this post finds you will. I am doing great. I am still a little sore but I am getting used to the hours again. It has been a while since I have been pulling 10-16 hour days. I am loving it here. The weather has been sunny and in the 80's. Luckily the ship has AC. We are super busy getting everything ready and trying to get everything commissioned. Each morning there are about 15-20 of us that leave the hotel around 7:45. We have been using 2, 9 passenger vans (including driver). Matt, the Stage Manager, who is doing a lot of the driving took the van to the gas station to get diesel gas and fill up the van. The gas stations are full service here so you don't pump the gas yourself. They filled the gas tank with unleaded and we had to take it to the shop to get the van fixed after it broke down. Today we had to take 2 trips. I can't believe my I am get to spend my birthday here in Italy. I will miss being with all of you but I am so excited I get to spend it here. I have come down with a bad cold and sore throat. I am drinking lots of water and trying to kick it as soon as I can. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done before the ship sails. I have attached a link to the website of the hotel we are staying at.

I will be moving onto the ship June 12th.

I am heading to dinner and will add more later.

Thank you so much for reading and your comments.

Daniel Warren

Friday, June 4, 2010

Greetings everyone,
Just walked around a bit, enjoyed the view, gorgeous sunsets here. I forgot my camera but I will try to grab one for you guys. Had lasagna , galato, and a glass of wine with dinner. It was amazing. I am sitting here reading some of your comments and they are great, thank you. The team I am working with are really great. Some days I feel I offer a lot on the technical side and other days I feel like I don't know much at all which is great because I am learning a lot as I go. We still have a lot to do on the ship but I have seen a lot get done and every day we are getting closer to its maiden voyage, July 3. I am sad I will not be able to stay on to experience the maiden voyage but it looks like there will be opportunities to assist in the future. I still can't believe that I am getting paid to do something this fun. I am exhausted and sore all over but it is a lot of fun and an incredible opportunity . A lot of the Pr oduction Assistants or PA's, go out bar hopping in the evening but that is something that has never really appealed to me. I am enjoying a quiet evening which is an enjoyable break from the hectic schedule the past week. I hope you are all doing well. If you want any details on things I have not talked about let me know. I thank you all for following me, leaving me comments., and caring. I will be taking more pictures the next few days and uploading them as I am able.

Daniel Warren

More Holland America Pictures

Hello again,
I have attached a few more pictures of the ship for you. I will update more later.

Here is a pictures from the back of the ship.

Here is what the theater looks like from the stage.
Here is another shot of the theater.

This is what the staircase in front of the stage looks like.

Hello again from Venice, Italy

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well, I am doing fantastic. I am exhausted but wonderful. The weather is Gorgeous here. I have been spending all day on the ship, heading back to the hotel around 6:00. I then head out to see the city, relax, and take it all in. I have spent the last few days helping out with the lighting. Installing new lights, programing, running things here and there all over the ship. I am having the time of my life.
Here is a picture of Andy, one of my many friends on the ship.
This is the stage we have been working really hard to get ready.
This is the hotel we are staying at. It is a pretty good hotel. The rooms are tiny. They are about the size of my brothers room and that includes the bathroom.
The cuisine here is incredible, I can't get enough of it. I hope you are all doing well.

Daniel Warren

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pictures of the Nieuw Amsterdam

Here are a few pictures of the Nieuw Amsterdam.
More to come,